

Rhossili map

A great new area of cliffs developed over the past few years with a number of worthwhile routes without the complications of tidal access and seepage. These cliffs can be climbed on all year round given the right weather conditions. They also provide a useful compliment to the lower crags when the tide is in.

There are a number of cliffs with varying styles but whilst the hard routes of Trial Wall are particularly iconic, there are a significant number of easy/mid grade sport routes to sample on all of the crags.


There are two tiers of crags, those directly off the beach and those located above.

For the crags at sea-level, follow the path just above the Worms Head Arms down onto the beach and cross the beach to your chosen crag…best to check tide times beforehand.

For the upper crags follow the track along the top of the cliffs to locate your chosen crag. From Trial Wall, there is a path that runs beneath all of the cliffs which leads up to the lookout post situated above Carbon Slab.