New Walls Right-hand

New Walls RH topo

1. Devil’s Brew (6a+)
Faint crackline with lower bulge soon yields to easier ground.

2. Cauldron of Satyr (6b)
Crackline and slight groove to steeper wall via break.

3. Filthy Snatch (6b)
Fine, blank looking wall taken slightly left of BRs.

4. Cradle of Dirt HVS 5a
Prominent crackline.

5. Dirt Box E2 5c
Steep start via difficult wall, 2PRs, then easier crackline.

6. Anoek Clear Missile (6b)
Thin face climbing on a narrow pillar.

7. Soil and Shuvel (6a+)
Pleasant shallow groove line.

8. Hubble Rubble (6b)
The fine intoxicating wall heading for a bottomless corner. Excellent climbing.

9. Toxicology (6c+)
Short steep wall with fingery moves.

10. Unnamed (6a+)
Fine climbing leftwards via a faint groove system.

11. Anal Gesia (6b+)
Technical and intricate face climbing.

12. Suppose I Try (6a)
The shallow groove and thin crackline.

13. Unnamed (6c)
Leftwards line via square-cute groove.

14. Grated Expectations (7a) ★★
Superb fingery face climbing after a hard start.

15. Dynamo Kiev (7b+)
Horribly strenuous start with flying leap with fingery moves above. Too bouldery.