Llandarcy Right

Llandarcy Right topo 1

1. Flying arête (5+)
The obvious arête high up after a reasonable start.

2. Darcy Juggles Jugs (6a) ★★
Climb up via the alcove and a headwall littered in ….. Excellent.

3. Darcy’ Detour (5)
A variant left-hand start on the next route.

4. Dick Darcy (5)
Ledges marked by threads leading to a high corner.

5. Darcy Takes it Easy (4+)
Steep and juggy and pleasant through the roof.

6. Darcy Likes it Wet (6b) ★★
The corner above the pond and headwall above.

Llandarcy Right topo 2

7. Darcy’s Dark Delights (7c)★*
The difficult wall directly above the little pond.

8. Darcy’s Discharge Velocity (7b+) ★★
Only slightly more amenable to the right.

9. Project

10. Darcy Gets Arcy (6b) ★★★
The layback corner and wall above. Superb.

11. Bridget Jones Non Diary (7a+)
The wall to the right is a little devious.

12. Good Morning Mr Darcy (6b+)
The arête gives a very good pitch.

13. Darcy’s Done Drilling (7a)
The line just right of the arête.

14. Darcy Despairs of procrastinators (6b) ★★★
The thin crack leading onto the headwall. Perhaps the best sport route of its grade in SE Wales?

15. Dozy Darcy (6b)
The shallow groove and overlap.

16. Darcy Dallies with lower Life Forms (6a+) ★★
The wall left of the arête.

17. The Destiny of Darcy Dancer (5+)
The obvious arête line on the right - no line of topo.