Sit Down Buttress topos

Main Wall

Sit Down buttress main wall

1. Sitting Bull (6a)
A short pull before moves left to the arête from a ledge.

2. Sit on it (5+)
The same short pull them jamming cracks.

3. Sit down on It (6a)
Left-hand line of cracks.

4. Sit start it ain’t
The right-hand line of cracks.

5. Sit up and Beg (6b)
The excellent face, tough for the grade.

6. Ranking Joe VS 4c
The obvious crackline with good holds and jams. Move left to the belay on the last route.

7. Sit Down Wall (6a)
Pleasant face climbing left of the arête.

8. Stand Out arête (6b)
The well-positioned arête give photogenic climbing.

9. Darlton Diagonal (6a)
From the second bolt make a link across the wall to the belay on Sitting Bull

Right Wall

Sitdown Buttress right wall

10. Christmas Crackers (6c+)
Climbs the arête on its right-hand side after the start of Stand Out arête. Rebolted

11. Where’s Wall E (6c)
The centre of the wall to the right with a stopper crux.

12. Berserker Joe (5)
The excellent jamming crack to the right move left to the finish of Christmas Crackers. Can be linked into the top corner of:

13. Footprints in the Snow (6a+)
Wall to steep corner

14. Trouser Ripper (6b+)
Problem start on arête then cracks and overlap finish

15. Drill Bit Taylor (6b)
Tough overlap to crack and leftwards finish

16. Mas y Mas (6a)
Blocky line to tricky finale

Left Bay

Around to the left of the mainwall is a small, secluded wall in a bay 100m walk away. This gives several routes described from L to R:

Taylor’s Missing Rib (6a+)
An easy wall to a ledge moving rightwards from the crack to a flying arête.

Lurcher (E1 5b)
Climbs easily up said crack but finish direct up the wall.

I Am Seb Grieve (7b)
A direct version of Taylor’s Missing Rib. Unusual!

Hollow Man (6b+)
Tricky to below an overlap and a balancy exit to left-hand side of face.

Black Matter (6c)
From the ledge of the previous route, Traverse right above the overlap to a mantel finale.

Black Matter Direct (6c+)
Avoid the traverse right by tricky moves straight up.

Still We Ride (6b)
From the shared start moves right below the overlap to gain the fist crack and corner which has a poorer direct start at E2 5c.