Main Wall Right

Two Tier Main Wall Right topo

14. Ra E4 6a
The prominent groove starting just left of the tree is rarely climbed and now overgrown at the start. Lower off the BB of the next route.

15. The Cruise Brothers (7a+)
A short and difficult route starting behind the tree. Possibly harder since loss of holds. 3BR to a BB.

16. Luck be the Magic Number (7a+)
Short and difficult route up rib.

17. Some Coincidence (7a+)
Left side of wall on superb rock. Finish rightwards. Excellent though blind moves.

18. Rising Sap (6c)
Hard moves left of BRs from ledge, then flakes above. It’s easier if you use the start of Osiris at the bottom (6b+).

19. Osiris (E1 5a)
The rightward trending corner with poor protection.

20. Subterfuge (6c)
Another tricky bulge and then the left edge of the scoop.

21. Quality Control (7a) ★★
Over the bulge and via the right edge of the scoop. At the top move left to the BB on Subterfuge.

22. Nogads (7b+)
An unlikely looking steep start (harder for the short) leads to an easier section. Go leftwards to finish up Quality Control (7b+) or direct via a sloper at 7c.

23. Blockhead (7b)
Start below a short groove that ends in a bulge. Climb up leftwards to gain a good flake then move back right up the left wall of the groove via two glued on holds. 4BR to BB.

24. Reasons to be Cheerful (7b+)
Climb the wall of the right side of groove. Gain better holds in the bulge and then head up rightwards to the BB of the next route.

25. The Inbetweenies (7a+)
An intense sequence up the wall and through the bulge marked by staple bolts.

26. What a Waste (6c+)
Desperate past the 2nd BR. Start via groove.

27. Tippers (7a)
A short desperate wall leads to easy ground and a BB above.

28. Tip Dollar (6a+)
The short and pleasant on rib. New belay added in 2023.