Sumo Sector

Sumo sector left

The Sumo sector is on the lower tier, just to the left of the Kamikaze sector.

1. Riding Shogun(6b)

2. Shang-Hai (6b)

3. Kamikaze Clone (6a+)

4. The Rising Sun (5)

5. Hong Kong Fewy (6a+)

6. The Golden Goose (6a)

7. Setting Sons (6a)

8. Saweno Gancho (6c)

9. Geisha Grooves (6a)

10. A Nip in the Air (6b)

11. Sumo (7a)

12. Nagasaki Grooves Two (6b)

13. Outside Tokyo (6b)

14. The Jap’s Eyes are on You (6b+)

Sumo sector right

Further right are three more routes. From R to L:

1. The Bullet (7a)
A difficult wall.

2. Jokoharma VS (5a)
Climb the flake crack in scoop just left.

3. Picture This (6a)
Pleasant climbing up the slim pillar. Worthwhile.

4. Fuji Fantastic (6a)
Takes the steep, slim wall.